General Biology II, lecture on Neurobiology
USD Department of Biology
General Biology2
Respiration and oxygen availability
Heart and Circulation/Transport
Nutrition, Digestion, Metabolism
Excretion and Elimination
neuronneuronal signaling Chemical Messengers
Sexual Reproduction
Neuronal Structure & Signals
Sensory Reception
text:Biological Science 5th Edition - Freeman ..: Read Chap 46 for this lecture
Integration of Neural Function
Neuromuscular Action - Behavior
syllabus     Figures
acronyms    end
XIII. Neural Structure 		

	A. Neuron (Single Unit - Consists of:)

		1. Dendrite(s)

			a. beginning

				i. where signal comes into neuron

				ii. usually short

		2. Cell Body (Soma)

			a. contains nucleus, ER, golgi, etc

				i. site of neurotransmitter production

		3. Axon

			a. takes message or signal where its going

				i. often very long

			b. Bouton

				i. widening of axonal ending

					1) facilitates transmission of signal

				ii. 1st 1/2 of synapse

					1) presynaptic

4. Synapse (to clasp): 3 parts a. presynaptic side (1st part) connects to i. other neurons 1) postsynaptic side (2nd part) 2) with astrocytes a) side boundaries (3rd part) b) tripartite synapse ii. other cells (e.g. muscles) b. site of delivery of neural signal i. electrically ii. chemically - neurotransmitters
B. Nerve(s) 1. collection of neuronal axons C. Ganglia / Nuclei 1. collection of neural cell bodies a. ganglion - in the Peripheral NS i. bulbous b. nucleus - in the Central (Brain & Spinal cord) NS
XIV. Neural Function A. Neural Transmission (propagation, signal, depolarization, impulse, conduction, action potential) 1. Direction a. begins at dendrite b. travels (mostly) along axon c. moves from neuron to neuron (or to other cells) by synapses i. ensheathed by astrocyte network
2. Mechanism a. ion balance i. Na+/K+ ATPase = active transport ii. Na+ pumped out, therefore [Na+] higher outside the neuron iii. K+ pumped in, [K+] higher in iv. some K+ leaks out (pores) (1) + charge greater outside the cell (2) - charge greater inside the cell (a) large proteins with a negative charge inside the cell
b. signal transmission i. actual electricity - resting potential = -70mV ii. perturbation to cell membrane (1) Na+ rushes in K+ out along [Na+] / [Na+] gradients (a) Na+ first, K+ slightly later (2) depolarization (3) + / - charges move along electrical gradient (4) this movement of depolarization is the action potential (5) Na+ rushes in as each new section of axon becomes depolarized (a) depolarization (a perturbation) opens the gates to Na+ (= Na+ channels) (b) new Na+ rushing in reinforces the depolarization/action potential (6) this is normal movement, as when the signal begins at the dendrite iii. K+ rushes out, then Active transport begins moving Na+ and K+ again (1) restores resting potential (2) repolarization iv. depolarization spike 1) measuring potential as signal moves along the axon 2) Na+ moving in lowers the negative potential (depolarization), then makes it positive 3) K+ rushing out (slightly later) restores negative potential, a) then overshoots -70mV (hyperpolarizes) 4) Na+/K+ ATPase / repolarization returns the cell to the resting potential
c. Saltatory propagation i. Oligodendrocytes & Schwann cells 1) Glial cells associated with neurons 2) includes myelin a) wrapped around axons b) fat ii. Node of Ranvier 1) between Schwann cells iii. increased membrane resistance 1) less time moving ions across the membrane 2) current moves along its gradient more quickly 3) depolarization reinforced at the node
d. at the synapse i. neurotransmitters waiting in golgi vesicles e.g. 1) dopamine (DA), NE, Epi, acetylcholine (ACh), serotonin (5-HT), GABA, glutamate (Glu) ... ii. when the signal reaches the Bouton neurotransmitter released by exocytosis iii. transmitter travels across synaptic cleft to receptors 1) Astrocytes help keep tranmitter in the synapse 2) Astrocytes facilitate the signal a) Astrocytes can signal too iv. binding to receptors begins signal on next cell v. enzymes degrade transmitters in cleft, or transmitter is taken back up by the original cell and astrocytes to be reused e. electric synapses i. Bouton membranes so closely apposed that gap junction channels allow the electrical signal to continue down the membrane of the new cell
3. Excitatory and Inhibitory Synapses a. the effect of neurotransmitters may be stimulatory i. causing a new action potential in the following neuron or stimulating a non-neural cell ii. neuromodulation (1) may enhance the probability of another neuron having an action potential b. but it may be inhibitory: i. inhibiting an action potential in another cell c. neurons may have excitatory and inhibtory neurons impinging upon them

XV. Sensory Reception