Behavioral Neuroscience, lecture on Lordosis Behavior
USD Department of Biology
Behavioral Neuroscience
Sexual Behavior
Sensory Reception - Tactile Receptors
Spinal Synapses
Afferent Spinal Pathways
Hypothalamic Gating
Efferent Motor Cascade
Neuromuscular Production of Lordosis Integrated Story of Lordosis
Substance P
Lordosis figures   Sensory Receptors
Spinal Cord   Lordosis Circuitry
end     Acronyms/Abbreviations
XII.  Motor Cascade along the Efferent Circuitry

	A. Efferent circuitry delivers motor commands to the neuromuscular junctions
		1. An Integrated signal that includes:
			a. arousal
			b. gating
				i. hormonal and neuromodulatory potentiation
			c. reflex

	B. Arousal

		1. midbrain reticular formation

			a. reflexive arousal
			b. activates medullary reticular neurons

	C. Input from gating

		1. effernt signal only extant when VMN is active
			a. requires priming from E2
				i. and disinhibition by P
					(1) blocks inhibitory effect of 5-HT
				ii. hormonal
			b. neuromodulator potentiation from limbic brain

		2. midbrain central gray

			a. input from VMN stimulates lordosis 

				i. activates medullary reticular neurons
			b. input from POA inhibits lordosis
			c. MCG to medullary reticular neurons stimulates 
			   motor neurons

	D. Reflex can now be completed via medullary reticular formation 

		1. midbrain reticular formation (reflexive arousal) +
	       midbrain central gray (hormonal + neuromodulator potentiation)
	       neurons activate medullary reticular neurons

		2. project through reticulospinal tract to ventral horn motor neurons

	E. Efferent spinal neurons stimulate contraction of back muscles

		1. behavior facilitated by postural adjustments
		    stimulated by LVN neurons

			a. synergism between reticulospinal and vestibulospinal

XIII. Acetylcholine (ACh)

XIV. Neuromuscular Function during Lordosis

XV. Integrated Story of Lordosis