Current Projects:
To address the question of whether thermogenic capacity varies with overwintering climate or phylogeny we are conducting comparative analyses of summit metabolic rates (Msum, maximum cold-induced metabolic rates) in migrant and cold-climate resident birds from a diversity of avian taxa. We are also examining whether bird groups with high-enegy lifestyles (e.g., arctic-breeding shorebirds, aerial insectivores) achieve high maximal exercise and/or thermogenic metabolic rates as a by-product of their lifestyle. For example, we found that swallows, which are aerial insectivores that spend most of the day flying, had significantly higher BMR, but not Msum, compared to non-aerial insectivore birds (see Figure; data from Zhang et al. 2021. Ornithology 138: In press). Results from these studies should elucidate important factors in the evolution of thermogenic capacity in birds and this should, in turn, inform us of whether the evolution of high exercise or thermogenic capacities along with increases in cold tolerance in birds played an important role in the evolution of current biogeographic distributions.
- We are also currently examining the relationships among exercise maximum metabolic rates (MMR, using a hop-flutter wheel), summit metabolic rates (Msum), and basal metabolic rates (BMR) in individual birds. Both sustained exercise and prolonged shivering are forms of endurance muscular activity, so physiological adjustments promoting endurance may enhance both exercise and shivering performance. If so, then MMR and Msum should show correlated phenotypic variation among individual birds. In addition, if increases in exercise and shivering capacities incur support and maintenance costs, then BMR should also show correlated phenotypic variation with MMR and Msum, as suggested by the aerobic capacity model for the evolution of endothermy.
My lab is also interested in the relationship between climatic variability and metabolic flexibility in birds. The climatic variability hypothesis (CVH) proposes that populations from more variable climates should show greater physiological flexibility. We have recently been studying extensions of the CVH to within-population metabolic variation between seasons in year-round resident birds. Because winter temperatures are more variable than summer temperatures, it might be expected that winter birds would show greater metabolic flexibility in response to temperature acclimation. Recent data from house sparrows do not support this hypothesis, as metabolic rates tended to be upregulated with cold acclimation in summer, but downregulated with both cold and warm acclimation in winter (see Swanson et al. 2020 Integrative Organismal Biology 2:obaa039), suggesting that the CVH does not apply to within-population responses to seasonal climatic variation. Our lab is also currently studying whether the CVH might apply to sympatric bird species occupying microclimates that differ in temperature variability. We quantified that open, exposed habitats, including grasslands and agricultural fields, show greater daily and seasonal temperature variability that wooded, sheltered habitats. Horned larks from open habitats showed greater seasonal variation in basal and summit (maximum cold-induced) metabolic rates than house sparrows from more sheltered habitats. These data suggest that the CVH may apply to sympatric bird species occupying microclimates that differ in temperature variability, but more research is needed on a wider variety of bird species from different microclimates to verify the generality of this result.
Current Projects:
One of the typical seasonal changes associated with winter acclimatization in small birds is an increase in pectoralis muscle mass, which is associated with increased thermogenic capacity and cold tolerance. Winter increases in pectoralis mass generally range from about 10-30% in small birds, which rather closely parallels winter increases in Msum, which generally range from about 10-40%. We have recently been investigating the factors which might regulate this muscle growth, focusing on myostatin, a potent autocrine/paracrine inhibitor of muscle growth in mammals and birds. We hypothesized that if myostatin plays a role in seasonal muscle mass regulation in birds, then myostatin gene expression and protein levels should be lower in winter and during migration (another period of muscle grwoth), which would free up the muscle to grow. Gene and protein expression data for myostatin and its metalloproteinase activators (TLL-1 and TLL-2) from a variety of bird species showing winter or migratory increases in muscle mass and Msum, are generally consistent with our hypothesis, showing downregulation of the myostatin system in winter and migration relative to summer. We also used experimental approaches to this question and found that the myostatin system is also generally downregulated with flight- or cold-training in house sparrows, which is also consistent with the hypothesis that the myostatin system contributes to seasonal muscle mass regulation in birds (see Swanson and Vezina, 2015 J Ornithol 156(Suppl 1):S377-S388). We hope to continue this work comparing gene and protein expression of the myostatin system in birds inhabiting climates ranging from tropical to cold temperate to explore how climatic variability might be associated with seasonal phenotypic flexbility of the flight muscles and the myostatin system.
A second general adjustment of small birds to changes in energy demands associated with cold exposure or migratory flights is an increased reliance on fats to fuel prolonged shivering or sustained flight. Because birds rely on fatty acids from adipose stores to fuel shivering and long-distance flight, adjustments in fat mobilization, transport and oxidation may be sites for seasonal adjustments. Fat oxidation capacities often are increased in winter and during migration in small birds and trans-membrane and intracellular transport capacities are also potentially limiting factors for fat metabolism. Our recent work has shown that fat transport and cellular catabolic capacities for a variety of energetically demaning activities in small birds result in upregulation of various steps in fat transport and catabolic pathways, with intracellular fatty acid binding protein in pectoralis muscle being a common target of upregulation.
Current Projects:
We are currently investigating, in collaboration with the lab of Dr. Jake Kerby (Department of Biology, USD) the interaction between emerging infectious amphibian diseases (ranavirus, chytrid), freezing tolerance, and overwintering success in chorus frogs. Because these emerging amphibian diseases are present in South Dakota, they could have serious population consequences for chorus frogs if they have negative effects on freezing tolerance and overwintering survival.
We have also completed studies on Northern Cricket Frogs (Acris blanchardi), which reach the northwestern-most extent of their range in southeastern South Dakota. Blanchard's Cricket frogs have a unique overwintering strategy in that they use cracks or burrows in the mud of stream banks as hibernacula and largely avoid freezing in these thermally buffered hibernacula. Populations at the northern range extent in South Dakota show poor freezing tolerance similar to populations in more southern portions of their range. We monitored temperatures within these overwintering sites and found that some sites did not drop below the freezing point of the frog body fluids over the entire winter, some sites dropped below the freezing point for only a few hours on a few nights over the winter, and some sites dropped below the freezing point of the body fluids for long periods during the winter. Our data suggest that South Dakota cricket frogs may tolerate short (e.g., 6-hours) fairly well (80% survival), but not longer (24-hour, 0% survival)freezing bouts. Thus, the limited freezing tolerance in this species may be ecologically relevant in the species, allowing them to survive short bouts of temperatures below the freezing point of their body fluids, but it appears that behavioral selection of appropriate hibernaculum sites is critical for overwintering survival in Blanchard's cricket frogs and the cold winter temperatures may limit their range extent in South Dakota. We are currently conducting experiments to carefully document characteristics of hibernaculum sites used by Blanchard's cricket frogs in this area to determine what features are important to hibernacula site selection by this species.
Current Projects:
- Stopover Biology of Grassland Birds: Most studies of stopover biology in birds have involved woodland and wetland habitats, but little is known of stopover ecology of grassland migrant birds, despite this group of birds showing the greatest population declines of any bird guild in North America. We are currently studying how grassland birds in the Northern Great Plains use restored native prairie and managed (e.g., Conservation Reserve Program) grassland habitats for migration stopover. These studies employ a combination of line transect surveys, mist-netting and plasma metabolite profiling to address questions relating to the stopover ecology of grassland birds in these habitats. Preliminary data suggest that grassland migrants are capable of adding fat in both grassland types during stopover, but some differences in the migrant community occur between the two grassland types.
- Bird Use of Early Successional Riparian Habitats for Breeding and Migration: Since the completion of the mainstem Missouri River dams in the 1950s-1960s, management for flood control has limited the creation of early successional riparian forest such that it is now the most imperiled habitat along the river, which is the most extensive riparian habitat in the Northern Great Plains. Additionally, ongoing management for federally listed species (Piping Plover: Charadrius melodus and Interior Least Tern: Sterna antillarum athalassos) includes removal of early successional vegetation. An understanding of the current status of early successional sandbar habitats, their trajectories of change, and the biological tradeoffs of current management strategies is necessary for a balanced ecosystem-based approach to riparian management along the Missouri River. We are currently studying the avian biodiversity of these early successional habitats during breeding and migration in combination with functional measures of habitat quality, which include monitoring nest success, radio-telemetry to document relative use of early and later successional riparian habitats by migrant, and plasma metabolite profiling to document fattening rates of migrants. Results from these studies can be used to help inform management decisions for conservation of a variety of woodland habitats, including early successional woodlands, to benefit the needs of both breeding and migrating birds.