Instructor: Dr. David L. Swanson |
Office: Churchill-Haines 168E |
Lecture: 12:30-1:20 pm |
Tuesday & Thursday, Churchill-Haines 101 |
Laboratory: 2:00-5:00 pm |
Wednesday, Churchill-Haines 147 |
Laboratory: 6:00-9:00 pm |
Wednesday, Churchill-Haines 147 |
The purpose of this course is for the student to become acquainted with tissues, organs, and organ systems on a microscopic level. Stress will be placed on cell and tissue structure and how this structure relates to function of the tissue or organ. The course will deal primarily with mammalian (especially human) histology, but selected comparative examples from other vertebrate groups will also be included. Laboratory will stress recognition of cells, tissues, and organs and their structural components. There will be 3 Lecture Exams and 3 Laboratory Exams which will be assigned the values given below.
Lecture Exam 1 | 100 pts. |
Lecture Exam 2 | 100 pts. |
Lecture Exam 3 | 100 pts. |
Lab Exam 1 | 50 pts. |
Lab Exam 2 | 50 pts. |
Lab Exam 3 | 50 pts. |
_________ | |
TOTAL | 450 pts. |
Mescher, Anthony L. 2009. Junqueira’s Basic Histology: Text and Atlas, 12th ed. McGraw-Hill, New York.
Young, B., J.S. Lowe, A. Stevens and J.W. Heath. 2006. Wheater's Functional Histology: A Text and Colour Atlas, 5th ed. Churchill Livingstone, New York.
Students taking this course for graduate credit (BIOL 541, BIOL 793) will be required to complete a short paper (4-6 pages) dealing with a modern histological technique that is used in current research involving histology. References cited in the paper must be primarily from journals in which histological research is reported (available in the Med School Library). This paper will be graded on a pass/fail basis, separate from the class. A failing grade on this paper will automatically drop the class grade by one letter.
08/31 | No Lab | ||
09/07 | Epithelium; Handout | 1-5, 50-51, 56, 62, 67, 83 | Ch. 5 |
09/14 | Blood, Myeloid Tissue; Hemopoiesis; Handout | 33-39 | Ch. 3, 11 |
09/21 | Connective Tissue 1; Handout | 6-15 | Ch. 4 |
09/28 | Connective Tissue 2; Handout | 16-21 | Ch. 10 |
10/05 | Muscle Tissue; Handout | 93-95 | Ch. 6 |
10/12 | TEST 1, Nervous Tissue 1, 2; Handouts 1, 2 | 22-32 | Ch. 7, 20 |
10/19 | Integument; Handout | 1,4,58-61 | Ch. 9 |
10/26 | Digestive System; Handout | 42-51,53-57,74-76 | Ch. 14, 15 |
11/02 | Endocrine System; Handout | 67-73 | Ch. 17 |
11/09 | Respiratory System; Handout | 52,62-66 | Ch. 12 |
11/16 | TEST 2, Circulatory System; Handout | 40-41,95 | Ch. 8 |
11/30 | Urinary System; Female Reproductive System; Handout | 2,5,83-84, 86-92, 96-97 | Chs. 16 & 19 |
12/07 | Male Reproductive System; Handout | 78-82, 84 | Ch. 18 |
12/15 (Thus) | TEST 3 (During Scheduled Final Exam Time) | 8:00 - 10:00 pm |